
What we leave out… just as important as what we put in

What we leave out… just as important as what we put in

We’ve always done things differently at LittleOak…

We’re so excited to bring our beautiful range of formulas to UK families.

Our formulas are inspired by nature, with a less-is-more philosophy to ensure every child receives the most wholesome and natural nutrition possible. That’s why what we leave out is just as important as what we put in.

Less ingredients, with half the processing 

On average, other formula brands* use up to 46 different synthetic ingredients to deliver the nutrition that babies need. They also use processed skim milk powder and whey to make their formulas.

At LittleOak, we use fresh whole goat milk straight from our New Zealand farm. We heat it only one, halving the standard heating process, to preserve the natural goodness and essential vitamins. As a result, LittleOak contains up to 25% less synthetic ingredients than other brands – because that’s what our little ones deserve.  

Free from Palm Oil

We are proud to be the world’s first 100% certified palm oil free formula.

Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil that comes from the fruit of oil palm trees. While this might sound positively tropical, palm oil is high in saturated fat, and is largely extracted from the palm kernel using chemical solvents like hexane.

Most concerningly, palm oil blocks the absorption of calcium, fat and DHA in babies and children - all essential building blocks for strong growth and development – and is also a major cause of deforestation. So there was never any question about LittleOak being palm oil free – because it’s better for baby and the environment.

We say no to maltodextrin

Maltodextrin is a powder made from corn, rice, potato starch, or wheat and even though it comes from plants, it is highly processed. Cheap and easy to produce, it’s often used as a filler in processed foods and as a replacement for the naturally occurring milk carbohydrate, lactose. Lactose is naturally found in breast milk and provides the carbohydrates that babies need to source energy for growth and development. 

Maltodextrin contains the same number of calories as table sugar, and is considered high GI, as it can cause blood sugar to spike quickly. Furthermore, research suggests limiting your maltodextrin intake may also help keep your gut bacteria healthy. So you’ll never see maltodextrin in our list of ingredients, ever.

LittleOak. Pure and simple natural goodness. Always.

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