Does your formula cause any gas or constipation?
Goat’s milk is generally easier for babies to digest for several reasons: Firstly, it naturally contains more A2 casein. Goat milk has less than half the A1 casein protein found in cow’s milk. Like in adults, the A1 protein can be the cause of many digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, wind, and pain in babies. Finally, our goat’s milk is a rich source of nutrients including oligosaccharides or pre-biotics that assist indigestion.
Is your formula Organic?
Most of the whole goat milk we use is farmed using organic practices. Although our formula is not organic, It’s quite a process to become an
organically certified farm which is why many of the farms that we source our milk from choose not to pursue certification.
All of our ingredients are as naturally and sustainably sourced as possible,
including our DHA and ARA (from algal sources) and more importantly, our cold-pressed flaxseed oil from the South Island in New Zealand.
Most of the whole goat’s milk we use is farmed using organic practices although our formula is not yet certified organic.
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